If you have bedbugs, you don’t need to contact a pest control business that is licensed However, you’d be foolish not todo so, skadedyrsbekæmper is the message that comes from an advisory that was issued from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in August. “Using the incorrect pesticide or using it improperly to treat bedbugs could make your family members, you and even your pets sick,” the EPA said in a warning to consumers, which was published in The Hill Healthwatch online. “It could also make your home uninhabitable to reside in and could not resolve the bedbug problem.”

Beware of reports of dangers of pesticides and extreme measures taken by certain homeowners and apartment dwellers using DIY methods to get rid of bed bugs and bed bugs, the U.S. EPA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an joint statement in July warning the public not to use outdoor pesticides within their homes as a way to rid their homes of bed bugs. Pest control reports from licensed experts in the field and the media of people slapping their bed, in their pajamas, or washing their kids with insecticides for their gardens has raised anxiety among government officials as well as the medical community public health guardians and members of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). The use of chemicals that are harsh that are not permitted from the EPA for use at home may cause extreme burning sensations to the eyes and skin as well as harm of the central nervous system and even expose people to carcinogens.

There have been numerous stories of reports of house and apartment fires that were started by desperate people who used extremely flammable liquids to eliminate bedbugs. In January an Cincinnati, Ohio man who was cleaning his furniture using a mix of alcohol and insecticide ignited an apartment fire after his cigarette ignited the chemicals in the mixture. In July 2008 the Eatontown, New Jersey man was able to blow up his apartment when trying to do-it-yourself pest control. A pilot light caused the spray to ignite and release fumes , causing an explosion that destroyed the windows in the front of the house and led to an explosion that destroyed the home and caused extensive damages to nearby units.

“Pest control companies have reported several dangerous and ineffective methods used by DIYers like bleach, ammonia smoke, fire and kerosene, waspspray and bug bombs and also targeted pesticides that can be purchased through the internet.” University of Kentucky entomologist and expert on bedbugs in the United States, Michael Potter, writes in Bugs Without Borders, Defining the Global Bed Bug Resurrection, an international study of pest management firms that was recently conducted by University of Kentucky in conjunction with the NPMA. “As bedbugs are increasingly desperate, severe injuries could result from these applications particularly for those who don’t employ a professional,” he warns.

Bedbugs are not always responsive to treatments at home. The tiny insects which feed on blood of humans are extremely difficult to eradicate because of their behavior and biology. Do-it-yourself treatments could force bedbugs move, which can spread infestations faster. The insects are robust, durable carapace that cannot be easily broken. To killthem, pest control products need to be in direct physical proximity to the insects and their eggs are not affected by the products that are currently approved by the EPA for use in homes. While they aren’t feeding the bedbugs are able to hide in unaccessible areas that are concealed in small crevices in walls between baseboards, underneath the floorboards, and within electronic devices. Bedbugs as well as their eggs are easily carried on clothes and other items and allow infestations to rapidly expand throughout a house or apartment. The combination of behavior and biology is nearly impossible to eliminate a complete bedbug problem with just one pest control solution. Three pest control services that are professional separated by two weeks are usually required to effectively eliminate the bedbug problem and ensure that all insects as well as eggs that have recently hatched are killed.

A professional extermination service with a certified pest control firm with experience in eliminating bed bugs is the most effective method to eliminate bed bugs. The EPA website, in its Bed Bug Information Page posted on its website, says, “Getting a pest management professional (PMP) engaged as quickly as you can, rather than trying to tackle the issue yourself is extremely effective in being able to prevent the spread of infestations.”

Rapid action is crucial in combating Bed bug outbreaks. They reproduce at a alarming rate and infestations may increase rapidly. Within its 6-to 12 month lifespan the female bed bug may lay up to 500 eggs, with offspring that can reproduce within one month. It is typical to have three or more generations of bed bugs that are present in an existing infestation. The prompt treatment of bed bugs in the early stages of the problem can help to limit the severity of the problem and stop the spread of the infestation.

For effective treatment of bedbug infestations Pest control professionals who are licensed use a mixture of environmental management techniques known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM) along with a variety of materials for pest control that are that are approved by the EPA for use in residential areas only by certified pest management experts. Effective bedbug removal starts with careful pre-treatment preparation that eliminates the clutter of clothing, bedding, linens, and other objects that could enable bedbugs avoid exposure to chemicals used to control pests. Once the preparation of the site is completed the combination of pest control substances is applied to kill bedbugs at multiple levels.

Safety and health issues that have resulted due to the misuse of chemicals used to control pests by unlicensed or poorly trained pest control professionals and contractors who are not certified seeking to profit from public fear has prompted the EPA to advise consumers to stay clear of insect control services provided with “unrealistic promises of efficacy or cheap prices.”

In July of last year in July, a Newark, New Jersey pest control firm was accused of unauthorized application of chemicals that are not permitted for use in residential areas. In the course of providing treatments for bed bugs to more than 70 houses and apartment units, the technicians sprayed strong chemicals onto mattresses and toys for children. At Cincinnati, Ohio last June, an unlicensed contractor was hired to eliminate bed bugs infested the apartment complex with an agricultural pesticide. It sent seven tenants to hospitals and prompting health authorities to declare the building a quarantine area.

In the hope of preventing these incidents In the hope of preventing such incidents, to prevent such incidents, the NPMA has released Best Management Practices for Bed Bugs (BMP) to provide a reference for both the business and the public. A list of suggestions for consumers on how to select a pest control professional included in the BMP suggests that customers employ only licensed and qualified pest management companies in order to protect their safety and health as well as make sure that the pest control services they get are safe and efficient. The NPMA further suggests that people choose certified pest management companies who have earned QualityPro certification, which indicates that they adhere to the highest standards of education, technical and ethical standards within the industry.